1.1 The Association shall be known as “Forum 86”.

1.2 Goals and objectives of Forum 86 will be as follows

Forum 86
i) Shall be a non-profit and non-political organization
ii) Shall provide a common platform to its members
iii) Shall be engaged in welfare activities for its members, BUET and for the
iv) Shall facilitate technology transfer between BUET and Public/Private organizations.
v) Shall provide cultural, intellectual, social, spiritual and charitable welfare to the member of Forum 86.
vi) Shall be a forum for expression of common concern of its members.
vii) Shall be a platform for exchanging information and views on the matters of interest to the members. viii) Shall provide academic & professional assistance to BUET fellows and students.
ix) Shall promote exchange of professional knowledge with any other groups or organizations or individuals by arranging seminars, symposiums etc.

1.3 As an organization, Forum 86 will not participate in any partisan politics. However, Forum 86 may involve itself in issues of national/international interests and concerns.
1.4 The headquarters of Forum 86 will be situated in Dhaka, Bangladesh.


2.1 Categories of Membership: There shall be three categories of members of Forum 86: (i) General Member, (ii) Special General Member, (iii) Honorary Member.
(i) General Member: Any person committed and respectful to the goals, programs, rules and regulations of Forum 86 and satisfactorily fulfilling the following criteria will be deemed eligible as a General Member of Forum 86:
o Got admitted into any department of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in the academic session 1986-87 and
o Obtained a bachelor degree from BUET.
(ii) Special General Member: Any person committed and respectful to the goals, programs, rules and regulations of Forum 86 and satisfactorily fulfilling one of the following criteria will be deemed eligible as a Special General Member of Forum 86:
o Got admitted into any department of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in the academic session 1986-87 and graduated from other institutions.
o BUET fellows who attended two consecutive sessions with the original batch of 1986-87
However, the Executive Committee will determine the detail procedures for application of special general membership. Upon the receipt of the membership application, the Executive Committee will accept or reject the applicant as a Special General Member. The President and General Secretary shall have the authority to accept the general membership upon fulfilling the criteria of the article 2.1(i).
(iii) Honorary Member: May be awarded to any eminent person whose consistently showed appreciable contributions in their respective field. However, the acceptance and duration of this membership must be taken as a result of a unanimous agreement of the members of the Executive Committee.

2.2 Privileges of the Members: All members of Forum 86 shall have the privilege of enjoying all its facilities. General Members shall have the right to participate and vote in the General Meeting, in the election of the Executive Committee, and to be a candidate for the membership of the Executive Committee (subject to articles 5.1 through 5.16). The Honorary/Special General Members may participate in a General Meeting. However, they cannot take part in any voting process of the General Meetings or the election of the Executive Committee of Forum 86.

2.3 Membership Enrollment: Enrollment for membership shall be closed two week prior to the proposed date of the Election of the Executive Committee and shall remain closed until the election is over.

2.4 Membership Fees: The Executive Committee will determine the annual membership fee for a current term. Life membership will be awarded to those whose contribution in a single installment is Tk. 25000/- and he will enjoy the facility of 50% discount of reunion fees. The membership fees will be applicable for the General Members and the Special General Members.

2.5 Member in Good Standing: For the purpose of electing and being elected as the members of the Executive Committee (subject to articles 5.1 through 5.16) a General Member shall be considered as being in Good Standing, as determined by the Election Commissioner, if his/her annual membership dues are clear and if his/her activities are not in violation of the objectives and image of Forum 86. However, the Executive Committee may relax the above condition.


All the General Members, including the Members of the Executive Committee, will sit for two types of General Meetings: (i) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and (ii) Urgent General Meeting (UGM).
All general meetings shall be presided over by the President of the Executive Committee or any other member of Forum 86 as decided by the Executive Committee.
Unless decided otherwise by the Executive Committee, the Annual General Meeting shall be held in December of each year. The business of this meeting shall be:
(a) To discuss and adopt the minutes of the previous General Meetings.
(b) To discuss and adopt the annual report of the Executive Committee.
(c) To discuss the way forward of Forum 86 in the coming year and present the budget for coming year.
(d) To hold an Election Session, if applicable, to elect the Executive Committee for the following term. This Election Session shall be presided over by an Election Commissioner as per articles 5.1 through 5.16.

The purpose of an Urgent General Meeting is to discuss and solve an urgent issue. An Urgent General Meeting shall be held only when the Executive Committee convenes it or in accordance with a requisition signed by at least one-third of the General Members. Any such requisition shall specify the objectives of the proposed meeting and no other matter shall be discussed thereat.
Notice and agenda of all General Meetings shall be given to all members at least one week in advance. It is the responsibility of each member to properly follow any such notice.
To make a valid decision, the quorum of the General/Urgent General Meetings must be fulfilled. The quorum of all General Meetings shall be 30 (thirty) and of all Urgent General Meetings shall be 50 (fifty) General Members (including the Members of the Executive Committee). If the quorum requirement is fulfilled, then motions shall be carried with a simple majority of the members present with the following exceptions: (a) Constitutional Ratification as stated in articles 6.1 and 6.2, (b) any change in the formation or organization of the Executive Committee as stated in articles 6.2 and 7.5.


4.1 The Executive Committee of Forum 86 shall consist of the following members:
(i) President
(ii) Vice President (2)
(iii) General Secretary
(iv) Joint secretary (2)
(v) Treasurer
(vi) Secretary (Publication and Public Relation)
(vii) Secretary (Organization & Welfare)
(viii) Secretary (Overseas Affairs)
(ix) Secretary (Children and Women Affairs)
(x) Member
(xi) Member
(xii) Member
(xiii) Member
(xiv) Member
(xv) Member
(xvi) Member
(xvii) Member

4.2 Executive Committee will be elected from the General Members of Forum 86 as per article 5.1 through 5.16. Members of the Executive Committee must be from Bangladesh.

4.3 Members of this committee will be elected for two-year term as per articles 5.1 through 5.16 of this constitution.

4.4 The Executive Committee will sit for two types of meetings: (i) Regular Meeting and (ii) Urgent Meeting.

4.5 All meetings of the Executive Committee shall generally be presided over by the President. But if he/she is unable to do so, Vice President or any other Executive Committee member, decided by the Executive Committee, will preside over such a meeting.

4.6 The quorum of a meeting of the Executive Committee shall consist of (i) the President or Vice President or the General Secretary of this committee, and (ii) 60% (rounded to the next full number) of the members of the Executive Committee.

4.7 Except for the decision of acceptance or denial of a general membership application or awarding an honorary membership (as described in article 2.1), all other decisions of the Executive Committee must be taken in its Regular or Urgent meetings that have fulfilled the quorum. However, if in such a full quorum meeting of the Executive Committee, the committee members are divided equally on any decision, the chairperson of that meeting shall hold the right to choose any of the two options having equal support, which will at once become the decision of the Executive Committee.

4.8 The Executive Committee shall:
(i) Meet at least bi-monthly, in Regular Meetings, to discuss association affairs.
(ii) Plan, review and approve Forum 86’s programs.
(iii) Appoint or cancel any sub-committee and advisor, if and when necessary.
(iv) Arrange a General Meeting containing an Election Session for the election of the new members of the Executive Committee for the following term prior to the termination of the term of the current Executive Committee.
(v) Appoint an Election Commissioner to facilitate elections of the Executive Committee as per article 5.6.
(vi) Conduct any other responsibility bestowed upon it throughout this Constitution.
4.9 Any sub-committee appointed by the Executive Committee will be consisted of at least one of the Members of the Executive Committee, who will keep link between the Executive Committee and the sub-committee. Such a sub-committee will, generally, work independently following its set codes of practice and goals.

4.10 Executive Committee shall have the authority to co-opt any member as a member of the Executive Committee in the vacant post.

4.11 Duties and Responsibilities of the President: The President of the Executive Committee shall:

(a) Be the chief Executive of the Association.
(b) Generally preside over all meetings of the Executive and General Committee.
(c) Be responsible for the affairs of the Association.
(d) Represent the Association in external matters.
(e) Try his/her best to perform any duty or responsibility assigned to him/her by the General or Executive Committee or the constitution of Forum 86.

4.12 Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice President: The Vice President of the Executive Committee:
a) Shall play the role of President in his absence.
b) Shall maintain the joint bank account with Secretary (Finance & Planning)
c) Try his/her best to perform any duty or responsibility assigned to him/her by the General or Executive Committee or the constitution of Forum 86.

4.13 Duties and Responsibilities of the General Secretary: The General Secretary of the Executive Committee shall:
(a) Keep minutes of all Meetings, Regular and General, and present them in following meetings.
(b) Be responsible for the safekeeping of all records belonging to Forum 86.
(c) Present an annual report to the Executive Committee for approval and publication.
(d) Convene all meetings of Forum 86 with consultation of the President,
(e) Conduct the correspondence of the Association.
(f) Try his/her best to perform any duty or responsibility assigned to him/her by the General or Executive Committee or the constitution of Forum 86.

4.14 Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary (Finance and Planning):
The Secretary (Finance and Planning) of the Executive Committee shall:
(a) Be in charge of all financial matters of the Association.
(b) Keep records of all revenues and expenditures.
(c) Collect and keep records of membership dues.
(d) Present periodic financial reports in Regular bi-monthly Meetings.
(e) Present annual financial reports in Annual General Meetings for approval and publication.
(f) Be in charge of outlining and maintaining future plans for Forum 86.
(g) Maintain the bank account of Forum-86 jointly with the Vice President.
(h) Try his/her best to perform any duty or responsibility assigned to him/her by the General or Executive Committee or the constitution of Forum 86.

4.15 Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary (Publication and Public Relation):
The Secretary (Publication and Public Relation) of the Executive Committee shall:
(a) Be in charge of all publications planned by Forum 86.
(b) Maintain and enhance public relation with other organizations/institutions.
(c) Keep record of Forum 86 and its activities.
(d) Maintain websites and related communication tools for Forum 86
(e) Try his/her best to perform any duty or responsibility assigned to him/her by the General or Executive Committee or the constitution of Forum 86.

4.16 Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary (Organization & Welfare):
The Secretary (Organization & Welfare) of the Executive Committee shall:
a) Act as a liaison between Forum 86 and other organizations
b) Assist General Secretary in arranging meeting, keeping records/documents.
c) Be in charge of all welfare issue of Forum 86 members.
d) Arrange charity programs to support any members for treatment purposes.
e) Try his/her best to perform any duty or responsibility assigned to him/her by the General or Executive Committee or the constitution of Forum 86.

4.17 Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary (Overseas Affairs):
a) Be in charge of all overseas communication,
b) Collect and maintain database of the members who live abroad.
c) Collect membership fees and donations from the members who live abroad.
d) Provide information regarding the activities of the members who live abroad to the web administrator and to the Secretary (Publication and Public Relation).
e) Try his/her best to perform any duty or responsibility assigned to him/her by the General or Executive Committee or the constitution of Forum 86.

4.18 Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary (Family Affairs):
a) Look after the issues related to children and women in every Forum 86 activities.
b) Try her best to ensure participation of women & or Children, as the case may be, in the Forum-86 activities.
c) Raise the issues to the Executive Committee related to the interest of the women and children.
d) Look after the welfare issues particularly related with the women and children.
e) Try his/her best to perform any duty or responsibility assigned to him/her by the General or Executive Committee or the constitution of Forum 86.

4.19. Duties and Responsibilities of the Members:
a) Will act as Secretaries in case of absence of any regular secretary as determined by the Executive Committee.
b) Try his/her best to perform any duty or responsibility assigned to him/her by the General or Executive Committee or the constitution of Forum 86.


5.1 All Members of tile Executive Committee shall be elected from the General Members in Good Standing, as referred to Section 2.5.
5.2 Once elected as a Member of a specific Executive Committee of Forum 86, a Member shall remain in that post until (i) the term of that Executive committee expires, or (ii) he/she is expulsed from Forum 86 membership of any kind, or (iii) he/she ceases to be a member of Forum 86 of any kind, whichever occurs first.

5.3 A specific Executive Committee will be valid for a maximum period of two years.

5.4 The Elections for the Executive Committee shall be held at the Election Sessions of the General Meetings as stated in Articles 2.5 and 3.3.

5.5 The retiring Executive Committee shall appoint an Election Commissioner at least one month prior to the proposed date of the General Meeting having an Election Session as per article 4.8(iv) and 4.8(v).

5.6 The Election Commissioner must be a General Member in Good Standing who is not a current Executive Committee member nor he/she shall be allowed to’ seek nomination to be elected as the member of the next Executive Committee. He can, however, cast his vote like any other member of Forum 86.

5.7 The Election Commissioner shall preside over the Election Session and conduct the election procedures.

5.8 Nominations for the Membership (posts) of the Executive Committee shall be made on pre-approved forms provided for that purpose and returned to the Election Officer by a specified time. The nominee and at least two nominators shall sign each form. Any nominee and the nominators must be General Members of Forum 86 in Good Standing.

5.9 Each General Member of Forum 86 in Good Standing present in the specific Election Session shall have the right to cast single vote for each Membership (posts) of the Executive Committee.

5.10 The Election shall be held by secret ballots. In case of a tie (i.e. equal valid votes cast) for any position of the Executive Committee, the Election Commissioner will conduct a fair toss, similar to the fair flipping of a coin, to determine the winner for that specific position.
5.11 Timely arrangements for an Election Session, election and related matters are the responsibility of the existing Executive Committee.
5.12 Charges of a post must be handed over to the newly elected committee/member within two weeks the result of the stated election is published.
5.13 Any Executive Committee member may seek nomination to be elected as a member of the next Executive Committee as per article 5.1, 5.6, 5.8 and 5.15.
5.14 None shall be allowed to hold the same post in the Executive Committee for more than two consecutive terms.
5.15 The post of Secretary (Family Affairs) and 2 (two) members of the Executive Committee shall be reserved for the women members of Forum 86. The above secretary and members shall be elected by the same voting procedure among the women candidates. If no nomination is received for these posts from the women members, any member can be co-opted for this post.
5.16 A vacancy in Executive Committee, which may occur either by (i) resignation or (ii)
removal, as stated in Articles 7.1 through 7.5, shall be filled through co-opt among
the General members of good standing.


6.1 Any proposal for the amendment of this Constitution must be originated by the
following two methods:

(a) By a sub-committee, appointed by the Executive Committee for that purpose, and having an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee as an advisor, or
(b) By a requisition for that purpose, signed by one-third of the Voting Members of Forum 86.

6.2 Any proposed amendment of this Constitution and/or any change in the formation or
organization of the Executive Committee must be ratified at a General Meeting,
which is convened for these purposes and has fulfilled its quorum, by a two-third-
majority vote of the Members present in that meeting of Forum 86.


7.1 If a member of Forum 86 dies or resigns from the membership, his/her membership
will expire at once.

7.2 If any member’s actions are in some way detrimental to the image or interest of Forum 86, any other member may bring the matter to the Executive Committee’s notice. In such case, the Executive Committee will notify the accused member about the matter and may ask for showing cause within next ten days for his/her said actions. If the Executive Committee is satisfied with the accused member’s response, the matter will be stopped there. If the Executive Committee is not satisfied with the accused member’s response, the Executive Committee will immediately send the matter to the General Committee for a decision. In such case, the Executive Committee will primarily be responsible for arranging an Urgent General Meeting. In the interest of Forum 86, the Executive Committee may withhold the membership of the accused member until the General Committee makes a decision. The General Committee will finally decide whether to expulse/remove the member from Forum 86/the Executive Committee or not. The respective member, if present in that General Meeting, may briefly defend him/herself.

7.3 If more than one third of the General Members accuse a Forum 86 member of any misconduct or action, which is detrimental to Forum 86 and notify this through a signed petition, the Executive Committee will immediately send the matter for decision to an Urgent General Meeting. The General Committee will finally decide whether to expulse/remove the member from Forum 86/the Executive Committee or not. The respective member, if present in that General Meeting, may briefly defend him/herself.

7.4 To be effective, the expulsion of any General Member must be supported by two third of the General Members present in the General Meeting that is convened for this purpose and has fulfilled its quorum.

7.5 To be effective, the removal of any Member of the Executive Committee from his/her post must be supported by all other Members of the Executive Committee plus two third of the General Members present in the General Meeting that is convened for this purpose and has fulfilled its quorum.